The St. Pölten UAS hosted the following Blended Intensive Programmes:
The St. Pölten UAS participated in the following Blended Intensive Programmes:
University of Leuven-Limburg, Leuven, BE (for more information, Andrea Pilgerstorfer)
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, RO (for more information, Andrea Pilgerstorfer)
Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, FI (for more information, Philipp Greimel)
Hochschule Fulda, DE (for more information, Alexander Adrowitzer)
Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, FI (for more information, Christoph Lang-Muhr)
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, RO (for more information, Simon Tjoa)
UCL University College, Odense, DK (for more information, Andrea Pilgerstorfer)
UCL Leuven, Leuven, BE (for more information, Nicole Lettner)
UCLL Limburg, Hasselt, BE (for more information, Christina Tanzer)
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, NL (for more information, Andrea Pilgerstorfer)
UCLL Limburg, Hasselt, BE (for more information, Birgit Zimola)
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, LV (This BIP is planned only for staff mobility; for more information, Claudia Grötzl)
L'école pratique des hautes études commerciales (EPHEC), BE (for more information, Nicole Lettner)
Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool, Antwerpen, BE (for more information, Angelika Beirer)
SHR Hochschule Heidelberg, DE (for more information, Alexander Adrowitzer)
Setúbal School of Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, PT (for more information, Markus Wintersberger)
L'école pratique des hautes études commerciales (EPHEC), BE (for more information, Nicole Lettner)
Howest University College West Flanders, Brügge, BE (for more information, Patrick Kochberger)
College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Jihlava, CZ (for more information, Andrea Pilgerstorfer)
UCL Leuven, Leuven, BE (for more information, Nicole Lettner)