Blended Intensive Programmes

Academic Year 2024/25
St Pölten, UAS

The St. Pölten UAS will host the following Blended Intensive Programmes in the near future:

The St. Pölten UAS will participate in the following Blended Intensive Programmes:

What are Blended Intensive Programmes?

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are a combination of

  • a physical mobility (between 5 to 30 days) and
  • a virtual component which is held before, during and/or after the physical component.

Participation in both components is mandatory in order to successfully complete the course.

Target Group

This form of student mobility is particularly well-suited for students who cannot complete a whole semester abroad. However, students who have already completed an (Erasmus+) stay abroad may also participate. As a rule, students may combine several Erasmus+ mobilities abroad as long as the total duration of 12 months is not exceeded.

Students receive at least 3 ECTS credits for the positive completion of a BIP. Prior to the beginning of a BIP, students are required to fill out a learning agreement. At the end of the BIP, the host institution issues a transcript of records.

Coordination & Funding

Each BIP involves at least three universities. One university coordinates and hosts the BIP (host/receiving university). At least two further universities send participants to the BIP (sending universities). The content of the BIP is jointly developed by the participating universities.

Students may apply for an Erasmus+ subsidy at their home institution for completing a BIP. Only the part of the BIP that involves physical mobility is funded. However, participation in the virtual component of the BIP is also obligatory.

Please consult the International Office at your home institution for any further information about funding and how to apply for it.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

International Mobility Coordinator
International Office
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
P: +43/2742/313 228 251